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Class Fees


Fees are due at the time of the class appointment.  You can pay in advance for several classes to save your

space.   There is no online payment method at this time.  Payment is taken at the time of the lesson.

If you have a group of friends that want certain days, you will qualify for the group rate of $35.00 per hour

lesson per person.


On the first class meeting, you will be given a list of supplies that you will need to furnish in order to take this class.  For the painting people, an easel will be provided.  No other supplies will be provided for the classes. 


For temporary residents and visitors that want to take a class, a $40.00 one time fee will apply.  This fee will purchase all supplies necessary to work on an oil painting.  With exception to the painting itself, the supplies will remain in the classroom.  In the event that you return again, no fee will be necessary and new supplies will be given to you.


There is no charge for the first meeting.  It will be brief and I will go over the supply sheet with you.  Addresses of art suppliers will be on the list.


Contact me with any questions.


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